Posted by Dr M Ashraf at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Posted by Dr M Ashraf at 2:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ankylosis, knee or other joints
Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris - (severe pain in heart sometimes going up to left hand - a serious disease). Mixture of CF 3x, FP 12x, KM 3x, KP 3x, MP 3x and S 12x.
Dissolve 1 grain of each of the above salts in an ounce of hot water and give it repeatedly at short intervals in one teaspoonful doeses to be mixed with 4 or 5 teaspoonful of very hot water each time.
The patient should also drink hot water at intervals to improve action of the mixtures.
Also get a dram of Crataegus aqua (mother tincture) and put a few drops of it in 1 chatak of water and give 1 teaspoonful every hour or half an hour till relieved. Aconite 6 - 1 pill 3 or 4 times daily is also useful. For quick relief during severe attacks 1 dram Amyl Nitrite should be had from any chemist and put a few drops on a kerchief and let the patient smell it.
Posted by Dr M Ashraf at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Angina pectoris, pain in heart
Allergy - If a person has abnormal sensibility to anything, e.g. it gets worse from water coming in contact with his skin or gets worse in cold weather in contact with his skin or gets worse in cold weather and so on, he is said to be suffering from allergy from water or cold and so on. Mixture of CP 3x, CP 3x or 12x, FP 12x, KM 3x, KS 3x, NM 3x, NP 3x, NS 3x and S 12x.
Posted by Dr M Ashraf at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Allergy.Dust Allergy, Polan Allergy
Addisons a disease of blood
Posted by Dr M Ashraf at 1:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: Addisons a disease of blood
Addisions Disease
Addisions Disease (a very rare disease) - Mixture of KP 3x, KS 3x, KS 3x ,NS 3x and S 12x.
Posted by Dr M Ashraf at 9:26 AM 0 comments
With insensibility;specially of brain after effects of fear,accidents etc. | Opium 1M or above | 10 min(3) |
Paralysis of eye-lids;larynx;muscles refuse to obey | Gelsemium 200 | 10 min(3) |
Paralysis of arms;great weakness and weariness;ill effects of grief or fright | Natrum mur.200 | 10 min(3) |
Paralysis of single parts;bladder,larynx,pharynx or tongue,etc. | Causticum 30 or 200 | 4 hourly(6) |
Paralysis of bowels;suddenness of symptoms | Phosphorus 200 | 10 min(3) |
Paralysis of brain;left sided;patient can not bear anything tight anywhere on body | Lachesis 200 | 10 min(3) |
Paralysis of eye lids and face;extreme prostration | Cadmium sulph.200 | 10 min(3) |
Paralysis of eye muscles;left side of face;heat in the face | Senega 30 | 4 hourly |
Facial paralysis,sticking pain in extremities;drags feet while walking and trembles | Nux vomica 30 or 200 | 6 hourly |
Paralysis of legs,ascending;great weakness;tired,heavy feeling all over the body | Acid-picric.30 | 4 hourly |
Paralysis of extremities with heaviness and loss of sensation;restlessness | Rhus tox.200 or 1M | 4 hourly |
One sided paralysed while convulsions in the other side;fear of dark | Stramonium 200 or 1M | 4 hourly |
Paralysis of wrist or single muscles that withers;beginning in extensor | Plumbum met.30 or 200 | 6 hourly |
Paralysis in old patients;prone to cold;childish behaviour | Baryta carb.200 or 1M | 10 min(3) |
Paralysis from below upwards;specially in old bachelors or maids | Conium mac.200 or 1M | 10 min(3) |
Painless paralysis of limbs;lungs | Laurocerasus 30 or 200 | 4 hourly(3) |
Posted by Dr M Ashraf at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Paralysis body
Abscess - Painful and inflammed swelling, which after some time discharges yellowish liquid (called pus or matter). In the beginning Bell 6 may be given thrice a day, for a day or two. If this fails, Homoeopathic Hepar Sulph 6 which is very useful, may be given if pus has formed, under its action the abscess will often subside; if pus, however, has been formed, it will open it soon. No other remedy may be needed. It often saves surgical operation. This may be tried for one or two days - one pill every 6 hours. If there be some improvement, it may be continued.
If this fails, in cases where pus has not formed a mixture of CP 3x, FP 12x, KM 3x, KP 3x and KS 3x should be given. If pus has formed, S 200 would ripen and open it in incredibly short time.It is excellent.In the end CS 3x should be given to heal up the wound.It has wonderful power of drying up wounds.It should be given after surgical operations to expedite the recovery.
Abscess at places above neck should not tampered with i.e. passed with finger etc. - they some times get bad and get incurable.
If there is a crop of boils (i.e. a large number of boils) Homoephathic Arnica 200 (one pill twice a week) or Arnica 30, 4 times daily will cure. It is excellent.
Abscess - If abscess is forming, Hepar Sulph 30 is very useful, one pill twice daily. If abscess has alread formed, Heper Sulph 30 is very useful, one pill twice daily.If abscess has already formed, Hepar Sulph 200 breaks it open in a short time.
For open wounds take dry back of neem tree burn it and the ash thereof should be put on the wound and it will dry it up in a very short time.If neem is not available,the wound should be washed with 1 or 2 oz. water in which 10 drops of Calendula (i.e. mother tincture) have been put.
If the above also is not available, a mixture of CF 3x,CP 3x, CS 3x, KM 3x, KP 3x, KS 3x, NM 3x, NP 3x and S 12x may be given in water 3 or 4 times daily.
Posted by Dr M Ashraf at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Labels: Abscess, kind swelling, swelling
Abortion - To prevent:- (miscarriage of foetus or child from the womb.This occurs sometimes before the six months pregnancy.If child is born after six months it is called premature delivery). Mixture of KP 3x and MP 3x in hot water at short intervals, failing which Homoeopathic Sabina 6 one pill at short intervals; KP 3x should be given during entire period of pregnancy.To stop bleeding give haemorrhage powder alos failing which Ipecac 6.
To remove tendency to abort - Mixture of CP 3x,FP 12x and KP 3x once or twice daily.
Abortion - To remove tendency to abort, china 30 is useful; one pill twice a week.For women who abort or whose children die shortly after birth procure root of blackdhatura(stramonium) on any Sunday or Tuesday, cut it into 7 pieces (1/2" each) and take a piece of black thread 7 times the length of women; fold the thread and tie the 7 pieces aforesaid with it and tie the thread round the waist and keep it there for 1 year. It cures permanently.
Posted by Dr M Ashraf at 6:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Abortion, before, pregnancy, six months